• Imparte:
  • Modalidad:
    Presencial en Barcelona
  • Precio:
    Consultar rellenando el formulario
  • Comienzo:
    Consultar rellenando el formulario
  • Lugar:
  • Duración:
    12 Meses


The Master in Digital Marketing is an innovative, academically sound, practice-driven, and digital marketing-focused program, reflecting the current challenges of the marketplace.

The main objective of the MDM is to help and support students transition into strategic management, in particular, the area of digital marketing. By completing the MDM, participants will gain the key skills and knowledge to evaluate, manage, and implement digital marketing strategies while strengthening their ability to face and solve complex challenges in an increasingly globalized/digitalized marketing environment.

In this context, the program has embedded in its curriculum a clear international approach enriched with the latest trends and developments in digital marketing; two pillars that represent the foundations for tomorrow is marketing leaders.

The MDM was launched over six years ago; it was one of Europe is first graduate programs in digital marketing; during these years graduates have become leaders delivering value in different companies in Spain and abroad.


- Director of advertising and communication.

- Online marketing professionals.

- Community managers and online reputation managers.

- Product managers.

- Technology managers.

- Directors of Internet and Ecommerce.

- Business development professionals.

- Agency professionals and interactive consultants.

- Relationship marketing professionals.

- SMEs managers.


A methodology based on the realization of practices and resolution of real cases:

- Creation and optimization of websites for your consumers and search engines.

- Development of successful online stores.

- Planning and creation of SEM campaigns.

- Management of brand image and corporate reputation in the digital world.

- Professional career plan in innovative areas of the digital world


- Module 1: Digital Marketing Strategy in a Digitalized World

- Module 2: Web & Mobile Marketing Across Environments: SEO & ASO

- Module 3: SEM & Lead Generation Media

- Module 4: Global and Local Social Media

- Module 5: Media Planning & Creativity

- Module 6: Ecommerce

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