International MBA – Barcelona – Boston - FULL TIME

  • Imparte:
  • Modalidad:
    Presencial en Barcelona
  • Precio:
    Consultar rellenando el formulario
  • Comienzo:
    Octubre 2024
  • Lugar:
    Barcelona 08015
  • Duración:
    60 ECTS
  • Idioma:
    El Master se imparte en Inglés
  • Titulación:
    EAE Business School’s Specific Master´s Degree in Continuous Learning in International MBA - MIT Experience and Universitat de Lleida´s (UdL) Official Master’s Degree in Business Administration (mention in General Management).

The International MBA Barcelona - Boston shows us a global overview of business, its multidisciplinary nature, the dedication required and the personal growth it stimulates, our will change your life.

It is our flagship program, designed with practical and interactive methodologies to accelerate the transformation of professionals or entrepreneurs with an intellectual drive, global ambition and desire to generate an impact in the world.

It combines an international, multidisciplinary approach, the development of essential skills to succeed and self-assessment and planning tools for your personal and professional projects and goals.

Designed to develop critical thinking and collaboration, as well as strengthening your leadership and innovation skills. Step outside your comfort zone, equipping you with the agility, flexibility and creativity required in a dynamic and changeable world.

1. MIT Experience Residential
Two-week residential program with Data and Business Analytics experts at the prestigious MIT Data Science Lab, focusing on Advanced Business Analytics and Data-Driven Management. The MIT Experience additionally includes weekly online sessions with an MIT Data Science Lab professor from November to March.

2. Develop your Entrepreneurial Skills
The program aims to develop your entrepreneurial muscle, a super valuable skillset for innovation and problem solving. Entrepreneurs have access to EAE Entrepreneurship Lab, a business incubator that offers the training resources, financing and guidance required to transform a good idea into a real business venture.

3. Hand in hand with the Business World
We keep our corporate partners close at hand, as well as in the classroom. Through their insights, we update the program curriculum yearly. Get ready to build professional relationships with your classmates and meet executives from leading companies such as Google, Vodafone, Accenture, Intel and Cepsa, to name just a few.

Current socioeconomic context
Marketing and commercialization in international environments
Intellectual capital and talent management

Business Strategy
Finance for de decision making
Entrepreneurship and Internationalization

Analytics from the customer’s perspective
Transforming and competing through operations

CEO Chief Executive Officer
CMO Chief Marketing Officer
CFO Chief Financial Officer
COO Chief Operating Officer
Business manager

¡Infórmate ahora sin compromiso!


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