
The International Master in Business Administration (IMBA) from the International University of La Rioja (UNIR) will train you as a leader in business management and leadership in international environments, with the ability to take strategic decisions in the context of a globalized economy and its markets.
In pursuing the Master, you will develop your managerial capabilities for analysing business problems, proposing solutions and implementing them. You will be prepared to lead, to manage change and to be an entrepreneur in an international context.
The IMBA is a Master oriented to graduates and professionals who wish to develop their career in managerial positions with companies that operate in a global market and economy.
Students will acquire knowledge and develop skills to obtain a comprehensive vision of the firm, take strategic decisions, and understand how companies operate in the different international markets.


1st trimester
Cost analysis for decision-making
Financial management and international financial instruments
Marketing management and strategic marketing
Sales management
Digital marketing
Business and international marketing
Functional and process management

2nd trimester
Strategic planning, general management and operations management
Situation analysis
Strategic information management
Information systems for project management
Management in technological environments
Management accounting
Human resources management
Leadership and negotiation skills

3rd trimester
Corporate quality
Project management
Final project

Salidas profesionales

The UNIR’s IMBA enables you to access positions with greater responsibility and to consolidate your job stability and salary. On completing your degree, you will be prepared to be a leader in any international organization and to manage any area of the company: marketing, finance, human resources, quality, production, etc.
You will be able to work in any country or economic sector.
The opportunity for entrepreneurship is not limited to young entrepreneurs: large multinationals and new organizations need intrapreneurs on their staff to lead and execute projects that renew the organization’s structure and improve its capability.

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