
Master in Fintech - Máster en Fintech

  • Imparte:
  • Modalidad:
    Presencial en Barcelona
  • Precio:
    International Students: €22,900/year
    National Students: €11,450/year*
    *The National prices apply to Harbour.Space Home Countries Citizens – individuals with valid passports from Spain and Thailand.
  • Comienzo:
    Consultar rellenando el formulario
  • Lugar:
    Carrer de Rosa Sensat 9-11
    Barcelona 08005
  • Duración:
    60 ECTS
  • Idioma:
    El Master se imparte en Inglés


Get ready to disrupt the market and revolutionise the financial services through innovation and application of new technologies.

Over the last 5 years, private investment in Fintech companies globally has increased ten-fold to over $25bn in 2017, fuelling start-ups which are targeting the most profitable areas of traditional banking activities, while banks have been busy adjusting to the cost of an ever-increasing burden of regulations following the financial crisis. Through technology and nimble structures, digital disruption is driving the Banking industry to a tipping point that will forever transform it. Two centuries after the Industrial Revolution and only 30 years after Big Bang (deregulation of financial markets), join us to embrace the Digital Revolution coming to the world of finance!

This program is designed to prepare Masters graduates for a successful career in Fintech. But before you choose a hunting ground and decide to make your mark on the Finance industry, you will need to understand a few fundamental principles and learn the basic drivers of this increasingly complex industry.

A few pre-requisites will be necessary for admission. Talented applicants with strong technical and quantitative skills, combined with a personal drive not to settle for the status quo, will be able to fully benefit from this transformative course.

The first part of the curriculum will bring a thorough overview of the Financial Industry by focusing on the fundamental cornerstones which allow it to exist and function effectively. The second part of the program will focus on the technological developments which are disrupting and transforming the industry.

Throughout the course, special emphasis will be given to the practical applications of the topics covered through case studies and a hands-on project which will culminate in a presentation to a panel of experts helping you opening the doors to the Future of Finance.


This program is designed to prepare Masters graduates for a successful career in Fintech. But before you choose a hunting ground and decide to make your mark on the Finance industry, you will need to understand a few fundamental principles and learn the basic drivers of this increasingly complex industry.

Economics 101
Finance at a Glance
Banking, Insurance and Financial Services
Financial Products
An Introduction to Financial Markets
Legal, Accounting, Tax, Regulations and Compliance
Fintech 1.0: The Big Unbundling of Financial Institutions
Payments and Transaction Services
The Foreign Exchange Market
Fintech 2.0: The Future of Finance: it’s in Your Hands!
Blockchain and the Distributed Ledger Revolution
Big Data in Finance
Cyber Security and Stability of Markets
Financial News, Information and Research
Capstone project
Seminars & Workshops
Client project

Salidas profesionales

Blockchain Software Architect
Blockchain Developer
Financial Data Scientist
VP Fintech Business Development
VP Fintech Marketing
Fintech Founder

¡Infórmate ahora sin compromiso!


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