
Master in Data Science - Máster en Ciencia de Datos

  • Imparte:
  • Modalidad:
    Presencial en Barcelona
  • Precio:
    International Students: €22,900/year
    National Students: €11,450/year*
    *The National prices apply to Harbour.Space Home Countries Citizens – individuals with valid passports from Spain and Thailand.
  • Comienzo:
    Consultar rellenando el formulario
  • Lugar:
    Carrer de Rosa Sensat 9-11
    Barcelona 08005
  • Duración:
    150 ECTS
  • Idioma:
    El Master se imparte en Inglés


The data science is a new frontier of human knowledge and a new domain of discovery. Data scientists have the analytical and programming skills needed to extract valuable knowledge out of data. The burgeoning technology sector is quickly becoming the epicentre for data science.

The MSc programme is designed for those who desire to deepen their comprehension of all aspects of the data science. Applicants could be graduates from other degrees with a strong mathematical core, or those continuing their academic pursuit after achieving a BSc in data science.



Students begin the programme with foundational knowledge of programming and mathematics, including data structures and algorithms, statistics and machine learning. During the first year their knowledge of mathematics, programming and data analysis will be significantly extended. The programme also offers the opportunity to obtain key soft skills for the professional world including technical project management, writing and presenting. Finally, students are expected to attend a substantial amount of talks and workshops offered by the university, as well as working on the Capstone project.

Combinatorics And Graphs
Object-Oriented Programming (C++)
Data Structures and Algorithms
Theory of Probability and Statistics
Practical Unix
Introduction to Interaction Design
Discrete Optimization
Master´s Machine Learning
Java Programming
Big Data Analysis/Machine Learning - 2
Convex Optimization
Leadership and Group Dynamics
Technical Writing and Presenting
Сomplexity Theory
Technical Project Management
Nonlinear Optimization
Statistical Data Analysis
Capstone Project - 1
Seminars & Workshops - 1


During the second year of the programme students will primarily focus on learning key applications of the data science as well as advanced methods in mathematics and data analysis. A significant part of the year will be allocated to the completion of the Capstone project. Through completion of the programme, students will learn to conduct data analysis on any scale, develop the software necessary for analysis and present the results in a professional and efficient ways.

Parallel and Distributed Computing
Statistical Data Analysis - 2
Software Design
Stochastic and Huge-scale Optimization
Foundations of Cryptography
Map Reduce
Distributed Databases
Text Mining
Game Theory
Neural Networks and Deep Learning
Social Network Analysis
Time Series
Robust Optimization
Image and Video Analysis - 1
Information Retrieval
Statistical Data Analysis - 3
Information Theory
Image and Video Analysis - 2
Machine Translation
Data Visualization
Algorithms in Bioinformatics
Spectral Graph Analysis and Data Science Applications
Web Graphs
Capstone Project - 2
Seminars & Workshops - 2

Salidas profesionales

Junior Data Scientist
Data Scientist
Senior Data Scientist
Principal Data Scientist
Chief Data Officer

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