Master in Mechanics of Materials and Structures (MMS)

  • Imparte:
  • Modalidad:
    Presencial en Girona
  • Precio:
    Consultar rellenando el formulario
  • Comienzo:
    Consultar rellenando el formulario
  • Lugar:
    Escola Politècnica Superior
    Carrer de la Universitat de Girona, 6
    Girona 17003
  • Duración:
    60 ECTS
  • Idioma:
    El Master se imparte en Inglés
  • Titulación:
    Título Oficial de Máster en Mecánica de Materiales y Estructuras (MMS)

The Master of Science in “Mechanics of Materials and Structures” (MMS) of the Universitat de Girona – UdG (Spain) is an official Master’s degree of the European Higher Education Area. The master MMS is aimed at students who wish to develop their knowledge and skills in the field of the mechanical behaviour of materials and structures. The objective of MMS is to link the current knowledge of theories of the behaviour of materials with the most innovative techniques in structural engineering.

Module on Composites
The contents of the Module in Composites provide the student with the capabilities to design and process advanced composites for structural applications, preparing him/her for an engineer career in a related industry and, if the student wishes, opening the door for continuing to a Ph.D. thesis.

Module of Solid Mechanics
The contents of this Solid Mechanics Module provide the student with the capabilities to solve and analyse non-linear solid mechanics problems by using advanced analysis and modelling techniques, preparing him/her for an engineer career in a related industry and, if the student wishes, opening the door for continuing to a Ph.D. thesis.

Module on Structures
The contents of the Structures Module provide the student with the capabilities to develop and improve structural designs and applications by using advanced materials, analysis, and modelling techniques, preparing him/her for an engineer career in a related industry and, if the student wishes, opening the door for continuing to a Ph.D. thesis.

Module on Computational Mechanical Design
The contents of the Computational Mechanical Design Module provide the student with the capabilities to develop and to improve mechanical designs and applications by using advanced computational analysis and modelling techniques, preparing him/her for an engineer career in a related industry and, if the student wishes, opening the door for continuing to a Ph.D. thesis.

The MMS Master provides the student with the necessary skills to take up leading roles in analysis, design, research, and development of structures with applicability in a variety of sectors (aerospace, race sport, marine, sports goods, building, civil, mechanical or windturbine engineering).

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